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Spiritual Accompaniment 


Pilgrim Pathways can offer you a journey where you walk with a spiritual accompanier.  Paul Revill is a trained spiritual director, having trained with St Antony's Priory in Durham and been in practice for the past fifteen years.  He is also trained with the Fresh Expressions movement as a coach and is currently also training as a pastoral supervisor. He can give you a listening ear as you walk.  Some people find it easier to talk when side by side, rather than face to face.  It can be easier to talk when engaged in another activity such as walking, rather than the focussed surroundings of a private room. 

You can get in touch to book a one-to-one walk with Paul Revill.  We will set up an initial meeting online to make the necessary arrangements, including the nature of accompanying you would prefer.  We will then plan a walk with you.  This might be in a locality with which you are familiar, visiting a special place which means something important to you. Alternatively it might be a walk close to our home base in the South West whose nature facilitates conversation.  

Typically a walk would last between an hour and two hours.  It can be organised as a one-off event or maybe a series of more than one walk spread over several weeks or months.

Planning your Visit